+4915259808099 +4923814265262 info@humanrestart.eu

Human Restart

European Board of Science and Development

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RN H2217

Human Restart European Board Un

Registered in the United Nations

ECOSOC is registered in the United Nations. It is the Council that is responsible for the social, cultural, and economic development of countries. it aspires to obtain consultative status in the Council. more

Human Restart European Board Europäische Einheit für Bildungsqualität

European Unit for Quality of Education

According to the high standards of education that we follow at the European Academy of Sciences and Development. We have been accredited by the European Unit for Quality of Education after examining and conforming to its standards and conditions. more

Accredited and Supported by the Government

Due to the high professionalism and special achievements in the field of education, community development, and individual development for more than 7 years. Our programs have been approved and supported by the German government . more